CALL US NOW ON 023 8047 7625
We offer a variety of legal services whether you’re an individual or an organisation
David Ebert was established in 1982 and since has earned a reputation for quality of service and our friendly and professional approach to our business within Southampton.
On 1st July 2011, the firm was restructured as a limited liability partnership (LLP). This is the modern vehicle now used by many law firms in place of traditional sole practitioners or partnerships. The firm now practices under the style of David Ebert LLP.
“You helped me take control and not feel intimidated during
what was an extremely emotional time in my life”
“Divorce is always a traumatic time, but your professional guidance
helped me emotionally to get through it”
“Thank you for the kind and courteous manner in
which you dealt with our move”
Hedge End
Unit 17 Hedge End Business Centre
Botley Road, Hedge End
Southampton SO30 2AU
Tel : 023 8047 7625
Fax: 014 8979 9102
Email: info@davidebert.co.uk
Ackroyd Legal
16 Prescot Street
E1 8AZ
This firm is authorised and regulated by the SRA, www.sra.org.uk.
Cost Transparency
David Ebert LLP T/A Ackroyd Legal, which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, SRA No. 558176 and is a LLP registered in England & Wales, Company No. OC362192;